Peng Wu
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I am currently an associate professor in the Department of Applied Statistics at Beijing Technology and Business University. Before joining BTBU, I did postdoctoral research in the Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research at Peking University from 2020 to 2022, working with Prof Xiaohua Zhou. I obtained my PhD in the School of Statistics at Beijing Normal University (2015 - 2020), supervised by Prof Xingwei Tong.
Causal Inference: Heterogeneous/Individual Treatment Effect, Long-Term and Short-Term Treatment Effect, Data Fusion, Principal Stratification, Matching, Interference, Attribution
Missing Data
Trustworthy AI, Policy Evaluation and Learning, Recommender System
Medical Decision-Making
Peng Wu, Peng Ding, Zhi Geng, and Yue Liu. Quantifying Individual Risk for Binary Outcome. arXiv:2402.10537 (2024+)
Zhaoqing Tian and Peng Wu*. Semiparametric Efficient Inference for the Probability of Necessary and Sufficient Causation. arXiv:2407.10185 (2024+) (Student Paper)
Ye Tian, Peng Wu, and Zhiqiang Tan. Semi-supervised Regression Analysis with Model Misspecification and High-dimensional Data. Statistica Sinica, 2025
Qing Jiang, Xingwei Tong, Peng Wu, and Xun Zhang. A New Test of Factor Model for Asset Returns: Based on Pleiotropy Model. Quantitative Finance, 2025, Online
Peng Wu, Shanshan Luo, and Zhi Geng. On the Comparative Analysis of Average Treatment Effects Estimation via Data Combination. Journal of the American Statistical Association (2024), Online
Qinwei Yang, Xueqing Liu, Yan Zeng, Ruocheng Guo, Yang Liu, Peng Wu*. Learning the Optimal Policy for Balancing Multiple Short-Term and Long-Term Rewards. NeurIPS 24
Peng Wu, Ziyu Shen, Feng Xie, Zhongyao Wang , Chunchen Liu, and Yan Zeng. Policy Learning for Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Rewards. ICML 24
Haoxuan Li, Chunyuan Zheng, Sihao Ding, Peng Wu*, Zhi Geng, Fuli Feng, and Xiangnan He. Be Aware of the Neighborhood Effect: Modeling Selection Bias under Interference for Recommendation. ICLR 24
Haoxuan Li, Shuyi Wang, Honglei Zhang, Chunyuan Zheng, Xu Chen, Li Liu, Shanshan Luo*, and Peng Wu*. Uncovering the Propensity Identification Problem in Debiased Recommendations. ICDE 24
Feng Xie, Zheng Li, Peng Wu, Yan Zeng, Chunchen Liu, and Zhi Geng. Local Causal Structure Learning in the Presence of Latent Variables. ICML 24
Haoxuan Li, Chunyuan Zheng, Shuyi Wang, Kunhan Wu, Eric Wang, Peng Wu, Zhi Geng, Xu Chen, and Xiao-Hua Zhou. Relaxing the Accurate Imputation Assumption in Doubly Robust Learning for Debiased Recommendation. ICML 24
Haoxuan Li, Yanghao Xiao, Chunyuan Zheng, Peng Wu, Xu Chen, Zhi Geng, and Peng Cui. Adaptive Causal Balancing for Collaborative Filtering. ICLR 24
Jiaju Chen, Wenjie Wang, Chongming Gao, Peng Wu, Jianxiong Wei, and Qingsong Hua. Treatment Effect Estimation for User Interest Exploration on Recommender Systems. SIGIR 24
Wenjie Hu, Xiao-Hua Zhou, and Peng Wu*. Identification and estimation of treatment effects on long-term outcomes in clinical trials with external observational data. Statistica Sinica, 2023, Supplementary Material.
Haoxuan Li, Chunyuan Zheng, Yanghao Xiao, Hao Wang, Fuli Feng, Xiangnan He, Zhi Geng, and Peng Wu*. Removing Hidden Confounding in Recommendation: A Unified Multi-Task Learning Approach. NeurIPS 23
Haoxuan Li, Yan Lyu, Chunyuan Zheng, and Peng Wu*. TDR-CL: Targeted Doubly Robust Collaborative Learning for Debiased Recommendations. ICLR 23
Haoxuan Li, Chunyuan Zheng, and Peng Wu*. StableDR: Stabilized Doubly Robust Learning for Recommendation on Data Missing Not at Random. ICLR 23
Haoxuan Li, Chunyuan Zheng, Yixiao Cao, Zhi Geng, Yue Liu*, and Peng Wu*. Trustworthy Policy Learning under the Counterfactual No-Harm Criterion. ICML 23
Haoxuan Li, Yanghao Xiao, Chunyuan Zheng, Peng Wu*, and Peng Cui. Propensity Matters: Measuring and Enhancing Balancing for Recommendation. ICML 23
Haoxuan Li, Quanyu Dai, Zhenhua Dong, Xiao-Hua Zhou, and Peng Wu*. Multiple Robust Learning for Recommendation. AAAI 23, Oral
Haoxuan Li, Yanghao Xiao, Chunyuan Zheng, and Peng Wu*. Balancing Unobserved Confounding with a Few Unbiased Ratings in Debiased Recommendations. WWW 23, Best Student Paper Runner-up
Zhihui Yang#, Shasha Han#, Peng Wu#, Mingyue Wang, Ruoyu Li, Xiaohua Zhou, and Hang Li. Modeling post-treatment prognosis of skin lesions in psoriasis: A large cohort study in China. JAMA Network Open, 2023
Jinqiu Jin, Haoxuan Li, Fuli Feng, Sihao Ding, Peng Wu, and Xiangnan He. Fairly Recommending with Social Attributes: A Flexible and Controllable Optimization Approach. NeurIPS 23
Haoxuan Li, Chunyuan Zheng, Peng Wu, Kun Kuang, Yue Liu, and Peng Cui. Who should be Given Incentives? Counterfactual Optimal Treatment Regimes Learning for Recommendation. KDD 23
Zhaoqing Tian, Peng Wu, Zixin Yang, Dingjiao Cai, and Qirui Hu. Robust Nonparametric Estimation of Average Treatment Effects: A Propensity Score-Based Varying Coefficient Approach. Stat, 2023, Supplementary Material.
Wenjie Wang, Yang Zhang, Haoxuan Li, Peng Wu, Fuli Feng, and Xiangnan He . Causal Recommendation: Progresses and Future Directions. Tutorial on SIGIR 23
韩莎莎, 吴鹏, 王则一, 崔逸凡, 杨浩翔, 周正元, Larry Han, 杨林, 贾金柱, 邵瑞太, 王辰. 基于群数据科学研究的报告规范: TRIPOD-Cluster指南清单解读及拓展. 数字医学与健康, 2023
Peng Wu, Zhiqiang Tan, Wenjie Hu, and Xiao-Hua Zhou. Model-Assisted Inference for Covariate-Specific Treatment Effects with High-dimensional Data. Statistica Sinica, 2022, Supplementary Material.
Peng Wu#, Shasha Han#, Xingwei Tong, and Runze Li. Propensity score regression for causal inference with treatment heterogeneity. Statistica Sinica, 2022, Supplementary Material.
Sihao Ding, Peng Wu*, Fuli Feng, Yitong Wang, Xiangnan He, Yong Liao, and Yongdong Zhang. Addressing Unmeasured Confounder for Recommendation with Sensitivity Analysis. KDD 22
Peng Wu#, Haoxuan Li#, Yuhao Deng, Wenjie Hu, Quanyu Dai, Zhenhua Dong, Jie Sun, Rui Zhang, and Xiao-Hua Zhou. On the Opportunity of Causal Learning in Recommendation Systems: Foundation, Estimation, Prediction and Challenges. IJCAI 22
Quanyu Dai, Haoxuan Li, Peng Wu*, Zhenhua Dong, Xiao-Hua Zhou*, Rui Zhang, Xiuqiang He, Rui Zhang, and Jie Sun. A Generalized Doubly Robust Learning Framework for Debiasing Post-Click Conversion Rate Prediction. KDD 22
Yang Zhang, Wenjie Wang, Peng Wu, Fuli Feng, and Xiangnan He. Causal Recommendation: Progresses and Future Directions. Tutorial on WWW 22
Peng Wu, Xinyi Xu, Xingwei Tong, Qing Jiang, and Bo Lu. Semi-parametric Estimation for Average Causal Effects using Propensity Score based Spline. Journal of statistical planning and inference
Peng Wu, Xingwei Tong, Yi Wang, Jiajuan Liang, and Xiao-Hua Zhou. Robust Quasi-Oracle Estimation of Average Causal Effects. Biostatistics & Epidemiology
Na Xu, Peng Wu, Gang Ma, Qirui Hu, Xiuqing Hu, Ronghua Wu, Yunfeng Wang, Hanlie Xu, Lin Chen, and Peng Zhang. In-flight spectral response function retrieval of a multi-spectral radiometer based on the functional data analysis technique. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Yi Wang, Peng Wu, Xingwei Tong, and Jianguo Sun. A Weighted Method for the Exclusive Hypotheses Test with Application to Typhoon Data. Canadian Journal of Statistics
Peng Wu, Baosheng Liang, Yifan Xia, and Xingwei Tong. Predicting Disease Risk by Matching Quantile estimation for Censored Data. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineerin
Peng Wu, Qirui Hu, Xingwei Tong, and Min Wu. Learning Causal Effect Using Machine Learning with Application to China's Typhoon. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series
Baosheng Liang, Peng Wu, Xingwei Tong, and Yanping Qiu. Regression and Subgroup Detection for Heterogeneous Samples. Computational Statistics